Monday, February 27, 2006

Global Warming - A myth?

Our good old earth is really old - A whopping 4.5 billion years! Adding 20,000 years (the estimated time since man first came on earth) to 4.5 billion is equivalent to adding a huge amount to infinity! Its still going to remain the same. Arite, what am I getting to??

Its basically this: The total time-span of man's existence on earth is thoroughly insignificant when compared to the life of the earth! Now, how significant can 50 years be in such a huge time-span?? Yupp, you got the answer buddy! "Insignificant to the insignificant"

This is precisely what the green-house gases released by humans, mean to the earth - I.N.S.I.G.N.I.F.I.C.A.N.T!! Ever since the earth came into existence, it has constanly been subject to climatic changes. We've had periods with temperatures reaching thousands of kelvin, to periods where temperatures have gone down to the lowest on the negative scale! It augurs well with the popular saying "Change is the only thing thats permanent"

According to chaos theory, "Climate CANNOT be predicted", as it does not follow any form of linear or perceivably complex equations! It JUST CANNOT be predicted...P.E.R.I.O.D
However, we have our loyal researchers and environmentalists predicting a global temperature rise of 4-5 degrees by the end of the century! For all you know, the sun's magnetic cycle can reverse itself, thereby causing a complete change in the behaviour each and every atom on earth, leave alone the climate! (It is a strongly believed idea that the sun's magnetic cycle influences the pattern of weather, though no-one has modelled how)

Now, lets come to the main point: Humans, in the last 50 years have been accused of altering the entire climatic balance of earth. The emission of excessive green-house gasses is said to be the major cause of this. Everything put together has been termed "Human-induced Global Warming"! I'm pretty sure, 99% of the common-men at least have an increasing urge to believe its true.

Firstly a few facts to clear out the half-baked truths:
1. 99% of the Green House effect is caused due to Water Vapour, and NOT due to CO2 as most people think

2. The total amount of CO2 present in the atmosphere is between a mere 0.3-0.4%!!

3. The increase in the amount of CO2 is still counted in ppm (parts per million), just to project it in big numbers!!

So, how-much-ever CO2 we humans release into the atmosphere, it will take another couple of hundred years for it to even go beyond the 0.45% mark - an increase that doesnt even deserve to be called insignificant!! :) So, what is all this fuss about?? Read on...

Global Warming research is considered to be the highest money-grosser for research grants all over the world...all the conferences, work-shops, models, simluations...billions of dollars...
So, it's actually an open secret among the scientists that "Global Warming CANNOT be proved"...cos, thats climate for you guys...UNPREDICTABLE!

So, these scientists obviously worry about jeopardizing their grants if they opt to reveal the truth! This is the exact reason why The US of A is refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol...cos, it knows CO2 is of no threat! Or at least, has not proven to be one...

As a final thought-provoker...just think about it guys...logically...all the several changes brought about on earth over billions of years, being undone by a mere 50-years of human activities?? FUNNY, to say the least!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Why use a complex language?

I'm never a fan of flamboyant writing (and writers)!! After all, language is just a means of say what you want to say, so that the other person understands in its entirety!

I've read so many blogs for that matter, where people desperately make it a point to use archaic words, which are seemingly of "high-funda" usage! It just reminds me of the episode in F.R.I.E.N.D.S where Joey pens a letter of recommendation for Chandler and Monica! Unbelievably H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!!!

Script from 1005:

Joey: (using a laptop) Oh, Monica and Chandler's recommendation. I want it to sound smart but.. I don't know any big words or anything, so...
Ross: Why don't you use your Thesaurus?

Joey: What did I just say?

Ross: Watch. (he takes the laptop) Here, you ehm... You highlight the word you want to change.Go under Tools and the Thesaurus generates... 'gives'... 'gives' a whole list of choices. You can pick the word that sounds smartest.

Joey: Oh my God, that's great! I'm smart!! No, no, I'm... (he uses the Thesaurus) "brainy, bright, clever", I love this thing! Look out ladies, Joey Tribbiani's got the whole package!!


[Scene: Monica's apartment. Joey enters the room]
Joey: Hey, finished my recommendation. (he hands it over to Chandler) Here. And I think you'll be very, very happy. It's the longest I ever spent on a computer without looking at porn.

Chandler: (reading) I don't... uh... understand.

Joey: (sounding very proud of himself) Some of the words are a little too sophisticated for ya?

Monica: (also reading it) It doesn't make any sense.

Joey: Of course it does! It's smart! I used the the-saurus!

Chandler: On every word?

Joey: Yep!

Monica: Alright, what was this sentence originally? (shows the sentence to Joey)

Joey: Oh, 'They are warm, nice, people with big hearts'.

Chandler: And that became 'they are humid prepossessing Homo Sapiens with full sized aortic pumps...?

Joey: Yeah, yeah and hey, I really mean it, dude.

Monica: Hey Joey, I don't think we can use this.

Joey: Why not?

Monica: Well, because you signed it baby kangaroo Tribbiani (Joey makes a 'and-what's-wrong-with-that' look). Hey, why don't you stop worrying about sounding smart and just be yourself!

Chandler: You know what? You don't need a thesaurus, just write from here, (points at his own heart) your full sized aortic pump.

Hilarious ain't it...i generally find it difficult to find the difference between these "supposedly" flamboyant writers and Joey!!! he he

Take for example a famous columnist from The Hindu...I'm just refraining from mentioning his name, cos I dont know whether I'll be liable for a law suit! Kindly let me know if I can mention, guys!
Ya, this sport columnist, a writer for ages, ALWAYS starts every column with a paragraph (or more, sometimes!!) that is in NO WAY related to the articles he proposes to write! IIRRITATING to say the least. Why does Kalpana Chawla's name feature in the starting paragraph of an article meant to drub the Indian Hockey team??!! Even God (if He exists) will be surprised!!

There are several things nice about the english language...its universally accepted, easy to learn, etc etc...but the very fact that a single word can have as many as 50 synonyms serves as a black mark against all these good points!

You can say "I believe it is complex" just gets on my nerves when it is framed something like "I reckon it is convoluted"...In fact this is not a good analogy!! Sorry couldn't think of a better one, but guess you undestand what I mean!!

Satisfactory, accompanying brusquely guys, got to charge
Oops, I meant "Ok more later guys, gotto rush..." :) :)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Denpasar - Bali, 10th January 2006

This one's really hilarious guys:

Sriram n I started out for a walk in the morning, along the beach...the shore-linewas quite big, and we had to pass a few resorts on our way. We happily tooklots of snaps, got a couple of beautiful oil paintings, and started back on our way.we strolled on for a distance and walked back into the resort area...sinceit was our first day out there, we were not quite familiar with the place, cos the resort was quite huge...we were wondering how we missed out seeing such a huge swimming pool in the resort.
We walked to a tea-table,right-royally sat down, and asked one of the attenders to take a snap, which he did with mighty pleasure. We then enquired about the pool facility, went there and played pool, cursing the ppl for the horrible condition of the que ball!!! and adding to our woes, there was no chalk!! ;) ;)

we were also (at least thatz wat we imagined) followed by a couple of hotchics :)...we thadavified pool for 15 mins, and gave up!! oh oh i forgot...every 10 mins or so, sriram would go to this (supposedly) hotreceptionist at the resort and ask her queries :)

now, wherez the interesting part of the story??? nothing, but just that all the above mentioned things dint happen at the resort that we werestaying!!!!! we had missed our place, and gone to a completely different resort (right-roylly, once again) :) :)

oh ya forgot: u know how we figured out our blunder?? herez how:
after roaming for 15 mins, trying to figure out the way to our room,

sriram to receptionist: Could you please tell us how we can get to roomnumber 1303??receptionist: we have no 4 digit room numbers, sir. Only 3 digits!!!!!:) :)


Cheat destiny?

You believe in destiny? Hmm...Let me prove that Destiny is something that can NEVER be disproved!
Think of this situation: Assume you are destined to read this blog! You get to know about this, and want to prove destiny wrong by refusing to read it! Thats where destiny says "Gotcha!"...cos, your destiny actually was "To make you think your destiny is to read the blog, and hence to prevent you from doing so by making you think you can cheat it"!! Read the statement once again carefully if u dint understand!

Yes!! its a recursive function call, mates!!! AMAZING, aint it??

Oops, I forgot the most important part : Hence, the proof :)

PS: For those interested in "destiny" and the like, watch Final Destination I, and II


The most complex entity in the entire universe...a true unbelievable wonder...yet to be understood in its entirety...blah blah...yupp, talking about the human brain! Did this piece of wonder evolve from a tiny single-celled organism "supposedly" created by ______ (??) ?

Man is intelligent!! Oh, is he? Ask him to define "time"! Gotcha...How come a thing of such amazement, responsible for the creation of everything from the wheel to the dual-core intel processors, fails to comprehend a basic concept called "time"?

"Time is the 4th dimension!"
Time is defined to be "a nonspatial linear continuum wherein events occur in an apparently irreversible order."
A contradiction? A dimenstion is supposed to have 2 directions...forward and backward!

"When did Time start?"
'Start' and 'End' are themselves concepts which man created to convince himself of otherwise in-explainable things! So, here goes : TIME DINT START, TIME WILL NEVER END!
Not convinced? That's cos of your human brain, again. Our supposedly..infinitely..amazingly...complex brain refuses to accept facts that it cannot perceive - A F.L.A.W! Whose flaw? No one knows!

T.I.M.E - A possible definition: Think of time as a linear axis, which is nothing but a part of a circle of infinite radius. Time is thus circular, with no start and no end! - Saint Aggathiyar's theory of cycle of life! (expect that in my future blogs)

It took our human brain years and years of dedicated studies to decipher the structure of the tiny DNA...a molecule with billions and billions of base pairs...the invention of something similar cannot even be dreamt of by the gray matter!
The billions and billions of enzymes, cos of which our everyday activities seem to take place without a worry...nothing less than a miracle! (Or is it still something that we cant digest??)

So, kind of hard of believe when someone says these things "evolved"??!
Common, who tells the human body that "ammonia", which is present in large quantities in the body, is bad for the brain cells, and thus prevents it reaching the brain?? (Thx Harini, for the info)

So, there is GOD rite??
Yes and No!!!! cos, I'm human...give me proof (for the existence or otherwise) and I'll agree! :)

Basically, the point is : "We are a bunch of confused crappers" muahahahaha...