Monday, June 05, 2006

My best F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Easily one of the funniest sitcoms ever to have hit the silver screens, F.R.I.E.N.D.S was first aired on 22 September 2004. There was no looking back after that until 6 May 2004, when the last of the 233 laugh-riot episodes was aired.

Though it is very difficult to rate the friends, I've done my best to rank them from my least favourite to the most:

6. Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston):
She's the millionaire, who turns waitress. She's real cute in the first couple of seasons, and real HOT in the next 5. But come season 8, wrinkles start getting the better of her...and even the best of make-ups dont seem to help much!
Coming to her character, she's this cute and bubbly girl, who's in the look-out for an ideal match right through-out. In the process, she gets on and off with Ross, and even gets married to him once while drunk! However, she is slisha annoying at times, compensated only by her HOTNESS (or however you put it)!

5. Monica Geller (Courtney Cox Arquette):
She's the whatever-I-do-is-correct, everything-should-be-perfect girl, who just HATES to be wrong! Her BEST acting part comes when she does "The Routine" with Ross for the New-Year's show! Simply AWESOME :D
However, too much of squeaking sometime gets on one's nerves :)

4. Ross Geller (David Schwimmer):
The guy who almost always has some sad tale to narrate, cracks everyone up with him amazing facial expressions and dialogue-delivery. With 3 failed marriages, and an unending list of flopped relationships, Ross is the guy who bears the brunt of mockeries. His best comes in the episode where he gets tanned in Season 10!
However, he tends to get monotonous after a while, spoiling the funny guy that he is meant to be.

3. Joey Tribbiani (Matt Le Blanc):
"Hey, How you doin? ;)" is probaby the BEST one line punches EVER to hit the screen. Joey, with his ever-so-late reactions, and his out-of-the-world intellect throws everyone into splits just with his neat acting. But things just go out of control in the later seasons when he's converted into a mere laughing-stock!

2. Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow):
She's probably THE funniest person on the show. Though she doesn't have that much of a story by herself, she does her part to perfection. Almost every single dialogue of hers will render a comical twist to the story! Her numbers with the guitar just cant stop bringing a smile across one's face. Especially, "Smelly Cat" ROCKS! Yay Pheebs!

1. Chandler Bing (Mathew Perry):
Unbelievably awesome! Out of the world! Mind-boggling!.... The list is endless. He is meant to be the "funny-guy" in the show and in the process has carved a niche for himself. It's so impossible to imagine the show without him (or without any one of the others for that matter, but especially w/o Mathew Perry). With a huge cauldron full of sarcasms, Chandler is probably THE BEST thing to have happened to FRIENDS.
The reaction that unfolds on Chandler's face when Joey drills through the wall so close to him, is just out of the world. 3 cheers to Chandler.

My best buds have been listed...Its your turn now guys...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:45 AM  
Blogger thegaad said...

@anonymous: id appreciate if people register themselves...any way, Chandler tops ur list too...yay!

4:31 PM  
Blogger Manasi Subramaniam said...

Are you rating them as actors or characters? Because that would make a difference.

10:42 AM  
Blogger thegaad said...

@manasi: as actors i think every1 is brilliant is their own in, it'll be extremely hard to say that this character cdve been done better by this actor and so on...hats off each of them :)

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

5:32 PM  
Blogger RUPHA RAMANI said...

1. Chandler 2. Joey 3. Phoebe 4. Ross .. No 5th place.. 6th is tied between Rachel and Monica.. n

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

12:39 PM  
Blogger Suresh Thiagarajan said...

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3:21 PM  
Blogger Suresh Thiagarajan said...

The best two: Chandler/Joey (two people whom I think move the show mainly). I can watch these two alone acting for eternity. There are a gazillion scenes of this duo which I love but the scene that comes up in my mind is when chandler asks "describe why is this sandwich best"
Joey replies "think of the best sex you had. Thinking about monica? Yeah, how was it?" Right after these are told... the expression on both their faces just put put me at awe. Right after this chandler gives back the taste units which he took in by smelling because joey asks for it back... Rock on chandler and joey !
The good two: Ross/Pheebs: Both of them very good actors, ross has incredible facial expressions, but both of them tend to over-act a bit or get monotonous at times. Some lines of phoebe are yucky (like "I thought pheebs was how we all call each other")
The okay two: Monica and Rachel. I think these two charecters concentrated more on appearance and attractiveness than acting. Rachel's story line is awesome. But, when it comes to acting they both are OKAY. They do have some really good moments in acting. But on a generic scale they are just okay to me. This is my opinion.

3:26 PM  

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