Friday, June 09, 2006

The Black & White Days!

Are dreams black and white (B & W)?? No, I do get colour dreams. But some other things are definitely black and white - the olden days! It's a very simple, yet thought-provoking issue.

Think about the days of the Indian freedom struggle - Nehru, Netaji, Gandhiji...everyone appears B&W in front of our eyes! However much I try to imagine my grandparents in their teens, I just cannot envision them in coloured clothing. Forcing colours into their days, seems to make everything phony.

Why does this happen? Is there a scientific explanation to this? Or is this merely the influence of prolonged exposure to B&W photography?!

The first aircraft by Wright brothers...Abraham Lincoln...the World Wars...The Ford Thunderbird...The Russian Revolution...EVERYTHING IN BLACK AND WHITE! Why? Why? Why???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have that picture; (of course a souvenior one), i like the bw photos. they convey something strong

2:05 AM  
Blogger Niranjan said...

no new articles?

10:51 AM  
Blogger Seema said...

Hey!! Nice blog here. A small doubt, why is it title "D.O.N.T R.E.A.D M.Y B.L.O.G.S"????

3:37 PM  
Blogger thegaad said...

@anumu: ya b/w pics r really cool! sometimes, the most disturbing pics can be b/w

@fullmoonearth: lolz...itz like all these controversies...where people make mistakes just to get famous :D so, if i say "dont read", you'll definitely go and read :)

@niranjan: just now settling down here...will write more soon...

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it, thank you. :)

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5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute, very cute... Thanks man!
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2:07 AM  

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